Hey guys! So as some of you may know, I use my blog more for information purposes than promotion. If I find a good product related to the topic I will surely throw it your way, but in general I love to give my readers tips and short guides, not only to improve my own knowledge and extend my experience out, but also to help others stay informed of the latest happenings in our world of online marketing!
Today I wanted to talk to you about something called “Arbitrage”; A term that basically means buying/selling on.
So firstly if you don’t know, Arbitrage is the act of buying and selling, many people use sites like amazon and eBay to do so, a lot of “Made in china” products are used in arbitrage. Most of the time people buy cheap low end products and sell them at a profit. Which is the aim of the game, but why should you be selling cheap low end stuff? Why not get some mid range brand stuff and do the same? Again, if you know me well you will know I would rather spend that extra buck to make sure my clients and customers get the best out of my work and products.
So I wanted to keep this one short and sweet and share 3 magic things I learnt from my brief but profiting time with 12 hour Arbitrage by James Renouf.
1. Start slow, don’t try and sell everything!
As with any other income stream, it is better to stay focused on one thing than do a hundred things and fail. If you can master selling one product successfully, then maybe you can learn to juggle a few, but don’t jump between products!
2. Research is the key
Before you even set out to promote a product, make sure you have done the correct research, if you don’t know what the product is and what it does, how do you expect your consumers to understand you? It is always important to be aware of what you are selling and why it appeals to the target audience you are targeting.
3. Don’t settle for a cheap buck
Most arbitrage courses and guides will tell you to go for the cheap stuff, or “Made in China” and sell it at a profit, but this is not always the best bet. It is important to deliver quality to ensure loyalty and return customers. If you are looking for some good Mid-range products to sell, check out this 12 Hour Arbitrage
Have you had any experience with this income stream? Want to share your tips or opinion? Drop a comment below!
SOURCE: CPA Marketing with Kj Rocker – Read entire story here.